
Showing posts with the label metaverse

1.3 Metaverse Definitions

1.3 Metaverse Definitions  Although the metaverse term was coined back in 1992, it has just recently captured public imagination. There is no definite definition for the term. The concept of metaverse is rapidly evolving and for this reason escaping every attempt to define it. Defining a phenomenon such as metaverse is not straightforward and easy .The Wikipedia defines it as a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the Internet. The word “metaverse” is a portmanteau ( blend or combining of words)  of the prefix “meta” (meaning beyond) and “universe”; the term is typically used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the internet, made up of persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe. But do those definitions really reflect what many in the technology and business world refer to

1.1 Meaning of Metaverse

1.1 Meaning of Metaverse Welcome to the magical world of metaverse. Metaverse is an emerging reality and we all need to understand exactly what it is and how it works. This is the latest in a long list of technology confluences. Metaverse has the ability to transform all the things that people work with, learn, mingle with, play with, and buy into and what we currently carry on in our lives. In short, Metaverse is a new destination for individuals and organisations alike. In a few years, people and businesses will migrate their lives gradually but surely to the metaverse. This is a new digital settlement and a new digital land. Metaverse is an immersive virtual world and useful for everything. You can work or play there. You can go to a concert and you can chill with friends. You can experience all of this through a virtual multidimensional representation of your own- called Avatar.  Metaverse allows you to switch from browsing and scrolling  the Internet into “walking on the internet

Metaverse: A Product of Extended Reality

Metaverse: A Product of XR Published on Linkedin Image Credit:  Victorpakhomov in Wikipedia INTRODUCTION Metaverse is a confluence of an assorted set of technologies.  We will learn about extended reality(XR) in detail and its relationship with the metaverse. We will cover the major topics like Metaverse ecosystems. What is XR, extended reality spectrum , XR devices used to experience in  Metaverse, XR features leveraging metaverse, its user benefits and XR opportunities.  Metaverse Technology  The metaverse framework is divided into two sub categories- namely Technology and ecosystem Each category has its focused areas. To begin with, let us understand the metaverse technologies- which is also known as 8 pillars of the Metaverse.  Humans can access Metaverse via extended reality and other techniques for achieving user interactions and interactivity. Artificial intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Computer vision, and the Internet of Things (IOT) or robotics are also used to handle diverse a


INTRODUCTION TO METAVERSE  Content History of web- Origin and evolution and Internet- web generations- web 1.0- Web 2.0- Web 3.0 - Metaverse - origins -  Published on Linkedin Articles Image Source: World Economic Forum  Metaverse is the next version of the Internet. Hence, in this Chapter, we will learn about the origin and evolution of the internet or web. Let us start with the origin of the web. The concept of the web originated in CERN. It is derived from a French acronym that translates into European council for Nuclear Research. It was a provisional body founded in 1952 to establish a world class fundamental physics research organisation in Europe. There are a set of tools like internet, SGML and hypertext. The Internet is nothing but the infrastructure required early on by the web. SGML is the basis for document markup on the web and hypertext is the underlying linking structure for the web. Tim Berner Lee  Tim Berner Lee was working at Switzerland’s European Organisation for Nu

METAVERSE: A Brave New World

METAVERSE: A Brave New World Published in Linkedin   INTRODUCTION  Metaverse is the latest in the long list of technological developments. It has the potential to transform the very way we learn, work , earn, socialise with others, and live. Metaverse is a creative confluence of an assorted set of technologies developed over the last decades. Metaverse refers to a collection of shared online worlds. In Metaverse, physical augmented, and virtual reality converge. It enables people to work, socialise, shop, and train or get trained in new and innovative ways.  Image Credit Wikipedia -   HyacintheLuynes Social media giant Facebook recently announced to rebrand itself as Meta and the plan to build the “metaverse”. The move comes as a major landmark in the field of technological innovation and how we interact with it. The rebranding of the company shows how it desires to go beyond the social networking platform and