1.1 Meaning of Metaverse

1.1 Meaning of Metaverse

Welcome to the magical world of metaverse. Metaverse is an emerging reality and we all need to understand exactly what it is and how it works. This is the latest in a long list of technology confluences. Metaverse has the ability to transform all the things that people work with, learn, mingle with, play with, and buy into and what we currently carry on in our lives. In short, Metaverse is a new destination for individuals and organisations alike. In a few years, people and businesses will migrate their lives gradually but surely to the metaverse. This is a new digital settlement and a new digital land.

Metaverse is an immersive virtual world and useful for everything. You can work or play there. You can go to a concert and you can chill with friends. You can experience all of this through a virtual multidimensional representation of your own- called Avatar.  Metaverse allows you to switch from browsing and scrolling  the Internet into “walking on the internet. As one author has put “ In the metaverse users become walking and talking billboards” 


The Internet is usually a two-dimensional experience but with Metaverse, you can walk through the three-dimensional world. Currently internet use is limited to  just  one screen where you can browse and scroll. . In addition to scrolls and browsing, you can walk through the Internet by using certain tools, such as handsets and smart glasses.

Metaverse is going to change the way it works for content writers and makers. It has to learn a new way to adapt to these technologies because of its various advantages. Because it is developing so fast and everyone should be ready with it.

In a few years, you (readers) can access the "Metaverse" version of this book using smartglass or similar wearables and enjoy the content of the book. 

Since this is probably the first work or publication in Metaverse that you are reading, it is best to take some time to understand what the word means, how it has evolved and what the future may bring. "Metaverse" is a term that conveys different meanings to people: for some, it is an immersive virtual-reality experience within a continuous landscape; For others, a particular technology stack; For some, this is the vision of the future society.


From my upcoming work  Metaverse: The Complete Reference