Metaverse: A Product of Extended Reality

Metaverse: A Product of XR

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Image Credit: Victorpakhomov in Wikipedia


Metaverse is a confluence of an assorted set of technologies.  We will learn about extended reality(XR) in detail and its relationship with the metaverse. We will coverthe major topics like Metaverse ecosystems. What is XR, extended reality spectrum ,XR devices used to experience in  Metaverse, XR features leveraging metaverse, its user benefits and XR opportunities. 

Metaverse Technology 

The metaverse framework is divided into two sub categories- namely Technology and ecosystem Each category has its focused areas. To begin with, let us understand the metaverse technologies- which is also known as 8 pillars of the Metaverse. 

Humans can access Metaverse via extended reality and other techniques for achieving user interactions and interactivity. Artificial intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Computer vision, and the Internet of Things (IOT) or robotics are also used to handle diverse activities inside the metaverse through user interactivity and XR. Next for improving the performance of applications that are prone to delays and consumers more bandwidth, edge computing is employed. With the availability of the pre-processed data in the edge devices, it manages the local data sources. Cloud computing is well known for its storage capacity and highly scalable computations. Therefore, metaverse leverages edge-based and cloud-based services in order to achieve the maximum performance of application and user experiences. Combining computing and cloud services with advanced mobile networks can be used to support computer vision, IOT, AI, Robots on top of the suitable hardware infrastructure. 

Metaverse Ecosystem 

The other aspect of the metaverse framework is an ecosystem that describes a  self-reliant and fast growing virtual world interacting inside the metaverse could be possible using the XR user interaction techniques like content creation where humans can create or control their avatars. The virtual economy is the result of these interactions inside the metaverse. Also these areas of social acceptability, security and privacy as well as trust and accountability are also considered in the metaverse ecosystem. This implies that the creation of the virtual economy must be aligned with social norms and regulations. For example, virtual economy, metaverse commerce, virtual objects trading, avatars etc must be protected from privacy risks and security threats. XR's existence in metaverse technologies is huge. 

Extended Reality 

XR stands for extended reality. It is an umbrella term used for the new set of technologies namely augmented reality,  virtual reality and mixed reality  that are changing the way we interact with the world and each other. Also, it will refer to any new technology that will come under the immersive technology spectrum.. Extended Reality includes real and virtual environments generated with the help of  technologies and wearable devices for providing immersive experiences. It can also be defined as the collection of all the immersive  technologies that combine the real and the virtual worlds. Metaverse is a virtual space that uses XR for creating fully immersive experiences. XR spectrum covers the hardware, software methods and experiences of AR, VR , AV and MR. Where AR stands for augmented reality, VR stands for virtual reality, AV for augmented virtuality and MR for mixed reality that is the virtual objects or things that are overlaid upon the real world. AR driven apps contributed to the metaverse world. VR basically replaces our physical reality.  It is a computer generated virtual environment where the only virtual view is present. No real world view. You can VR using devices like HTC Vive, Sony Playstation VR, Google Daydream, Gear VR etc.  MR reality is a blending of the real and virtual world with different degrees of augmentation. Some of the examples MR include Microsoft HoloLens and holograms Axer technologies allows the user to experience different immersive technology altogether across the metaverse space. Here simulations having sound, sight and even olfactory experience can be achieved using AR apps, VR handsets, haptic devices and holograms altogether in metaverse space. Userc can bring digital objects into reality, can see physical objects on the digital screen, can be part of the virtual world themselves, create an avatar and buy virtual and digital assets using crypto currencies. Majorly we have three types of devices. 

XR Devices 

  • First one is handheld when you experience XR by holding the device in your hand for example smartphones, tablets etc. 
  • Next we have a head mounted device to experience the metaverse. For example Oculus HaloLens, Quest etc. 
  • *Third is the room sized devices. Here XR is experienced using multiple projectors and holograms.

XR capabilities 

The core capability of XR is to utilise the visual input methods of objects around us, human gestures and Gaze tracking for navigation purposes and context sensitive information. Mapping and XR also needed throughout the depth and location features. 

AR and VR in Metaverse

Both AR and VR provide different immersive experiences and are hence expected to have different capabilities. For VR, HD rendering pipeline, volumetric capture , six degrees of freedom motion tracking facial expression capture features are required. On the other hand, AR requires advanced features such as depth, occlusion, location, position, semantics, orientation, pose and gesture tracking. Both are utilised to create a metaverse space. XR has enhanced the way we see and interact with objects and 3D figures around us digitally. Mainly, extended reality helps the user to achieve deeper contextual understanding, accelerated perception, intuitive processing of abstract data and also create a tangible visualisation which leverages the metaverse experiences. 

XR Opportunities 

XR offers multiple opportunities to the world and organisations and institutes use extended to increase their work performance, mobility and efficiency. The major opportunities that XR has now days are 

  • 3D brand makeovers: Majority all 2D businesses will convert to 3D. So it will create many opportunities in the field. 
  • Virtual meetings and events: Even in the post covid period, virtual meetings will have importance because they save time and cost. And by using XR, it will be more and more immersive and better. 
  • Immersive websites: : Every site will have XR content for a better experience in the XR era. 
  • The AR cloud : It is a 3D copy of the real world. You can visit any place in a  6 -degree of freedom. An AR Cloud or Augmented Reality Cloud is a technology that aims to create immersive experiences by unifying the physical and digital worlds. As the name suggests, augmented reality is a technology that digitally augments the reality around a user when viewed through a phone or other digital viewing device.