
Showing posts with the label Fundamentals

When Technology Overcomes a natural barrier, it leads to a revolution

Historically, natural barriers have always halted or delayed human progress. Technology is a means to overcome a natural barrier. Before the invention of printing press around 14 th Century, human memory was a limiting factor in determining the nature and scope of learning and teaching. A student’s ability to learn is limited by natural memory she has been endowed with and his gained skills to manage it- remembering and recalling. A teacher’s ability or facility to teach is limited by his preferences. The advent of book and human’s ability to put knowledge with in the covers of a book- heralded new waves of liberation.  Student was no more at the mercy of a teacher to learn- don’t have been in teacher’s physical proximity to learn from him. Nor the flow of teaching depended on the whim and fancy of the teacher. A student can literally do away with the teacher and can depend on books as reliable source and means of knowledge. In addition a teacher, who can put his knowledge into a bo