My mission is to harness Cloud computing and social media resources to enhance the performance of Learning and Teaching . In 2000, I began My Experiments with Web Teaching Tools. By 2006, "Integrating Web Resources into Teaching Life Cycle" become my professional mission. Since then, my experiment has grown in many directions-exploring and integrating the existing and emerging tools into my teaching and learning process. A lot has changed since the use of only web resource available then - e-mail ; Today web has become more pervasive and resourceful and many innovations - social networks and wiki and more have appeared. But some things haven’t changed- my desire to explore and my dedication to learning and teaching community. On these pages, you can find more information and links about Web 2.0 and Social Media Tools for Teaching and Learning and Cloud Computing
Showing posts from March, 2012
A Taxonomic Approach to Cloud Computing
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The Importance of Cloud Computing In less than 5 years since the term cloud computing was introduced ( Cloud Computing: Looking back and Looking Forward) , it has grown into one of the most discussed, debated and more importantly widely deployed technologies of our times. Enterprises such as Google, Facebook and cause driven initiatives such as Wikipedia are but living illustrations of cloud computing at work. In fact cloud computing has assumed a state of phenomena and affecting and benefiting more and more people, processes, businesses , government and more. Cloud computing is the most dynamic and powerful agent in today's social, political and business spheres.(see more here) What is there for me in cloud computing? Here is the answer Read on