Webinar question answered:Can cloud computing able to provide any application I request?
One of the attendee in our cloud computing webinar posed the following question. Can cloud computing able to provide any application I request? The answer is an emphatic yes. Today cloud computing is able to offer virtually millions of types of services. Cloud computing basic service models include- infrastructure as s service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) and Software as a Service ( SaaS). However the creative minds across the world are taking advantage of cloud computing's resources and reach and have come out with every imaginable service; for instance there is a company that offers the service of currency conversion . There is another enterprise that offers service that provides distance between two cities on the map . However whether a particular service is available or not depends entirely on its usability. If a service is unique but required by a sizeable number of people, then the chances are that it is available on the cloud as a service. May be there is charge a