Webinar Question Answered: Cloud Computing Text Books

What are the reasons for not adopting cloud computing a course as a core or elective subject within the curriculum. Here are the reasons for given by the participants. A total of 37 attended the webinar.

1. Lack of Books and syllabus: 

Here are some of the recommended books

  1. Cloud Computing: A Hands-on Approach- Arshdeeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press,  ISBN 97881 7371 9233: 
 I have seen this book, gone through it contents and found it useful for any First course in Cloud Computing. One Unique feature of this book is its hands-on approach- a list of Lab exercises.

 In addition to above, I have had chance to use the following books for my teaching studies and running reference.

        2.  Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms- Rajkumay Buyya and et.al  Wiley , ISBN 978-81-265-4125-6