
Webinar question answered:Can cloud computing able to provide any application I request?

One of the attendee in our cloud computing webinar posed the following question. Can cloud computing able to provide any application I request? The answer is an emphatic yes. Today cloud computing is able to offer virtually millions of types of services. Cloud computing basic service models include- infrastructure as s service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) and Software as a Service ( SaaS).  However the creative minds across the world are taking advantage of cloud computing's resources and reach and have come out with every imaginable service;  for instance there is a company that offers the service of currency conversion . There is another enterprise that offers service that provides distance between two cities on the map .  However whether a particular service is available or not depends entirely on its usability. If a service is unique but required by a sizeable number of people, then the chances are that it is available on the cloud as a service. May be there is charge a

Webinar question answered:Can cloud computing able to provide any application I request?

One of the attendee in our cloud computing webinar posed the following question. Can cloud computing able to provide any application I request? The answer is an emphatic yes. Today cloud computing is able to offer virtually millions of types of services. Cloud computing basic service models include- infrastructure as s service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) and Software as a Service ( SaaS).  However the creative minds across the world are taking advantage of cloud computing's resources and reach and have come out with every imaginable service;  for instance there is a company that offers the service of currency conversion . There is another enterprise that offers service that provides distance between two cities on the map .  However whether a particular service is available or not depends entirely on its usability. If a service is unique but required by a sizeable number of people, then the chances are that it is available on the cloud as a service. May be there is charge a

Webinar Question Answered: Cloud Computing Text Books

What are the reasons for not adopting cloud computing a course as a core or elective subject within the curriculum. Here are the reasons for given by the participants. A total of 37 attended the webinar. 1. Lack of Books and syllabus:  Here are some of the recommended books Cloud Computing: A Hands-on Approach- Arshdeeep Bahga , Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press,  ISBN 97881 7371 9233:   I have seen this book, gone through it contents and found it useful for any First course in Cloud Computing. One Unique feature of this book is its hands-on approach- a list of Lab exercises.  In addition to above, I have had chance to use the following books for my teaching studies and running reference.         2.   Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms- Rajkumay Buyya and  Wiley , ISBN 978-81-265-4125-6

Webinar Question Answered: Cloud Computing Text Books

What are the reasons for not adopting cloud computing a course as a core or elective subject within the curriculum. Here are the reasons for given by the participants. A total of 37 attended the webinar. 1. Lack of Books and syllabus:  Here are some of the recommended books Cloud Computing: A Hands-on Approach- Arshdeeep Bahga , Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press,  ISBN 97881 7371 9233:   I have seen this book, gone through it contents and found it useful for any First course in Cloud Computing. One Unique feature of this book is its hands-on approach- a list of Lab exercises.  In addition to above, I have had chance to use the following books for my teaching studies and running reference.         2.   Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms- Rajkumay Buyya and  Wiley , ISBN 978-81-265-4125-6

IPR: An Introductory Video


What is difference between assignee and inventor

The definition for  inventorship   can be simply explained: The threshold question in determining inventorship is who conceived of the invention. Unless a person contributes to the conception of the invention, he is not an inventor. The inventor maintains intellectual domination over the invention. An inventor has to contribute something to the conception of the invention, not merely be the supervisor of the inventor or someone that acted under the direction and supervision of the inventor. The  assignee  is the entity that has the property right to the patent. Patents are property. The inventor and the assignee may be one in the same but an employee will more than likely assign a patent to a company. The assignment of a patent is independent from the inventorship. A patent may be assigned to a series of different entities but the inventorship, once properly stated, does not change. The patent office allows for correction of inventorship if the error occurred without deceptive intent.

What is difference between assignee and inventor

The definition for  inventorship   can be simply explained: The threshold question in determining inventorship is who conceived of the invention. Unless a person contributes to the conception of the invention, he is not an inventor. The inventor maintains intellectual domination over the invention. An inventor has to contribute something to the conception of the invention, not merely be the supervisor of the inventor or someone that acted under the direction and supervision of the inventor. The  assignee  is the entity that has the property right to the patent. Patents are property. The inventor and the assignee may be one in the same but an employee will more than likely assign a patent to a company. The assignment of a patent is independent from the inventorship. A patent may be assigned to a series of different entities but the inventorship, once properly stated, does not change. The patent office allows for correction of inventorship if the error occurred without deceptive intent.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Types

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are diverse in nature and contents. There are several types of intellectual property   These include: Patents; Utility models; Industrial designs; Trademarks;  Copyrights; Trade secrets Geographical Indicator Plant varieties