
Teaching in Linked environment: Challenges

The linked environment or WWW is a new territory for teachers. But most noticeable feature about WWW is that it one of the most useful teaching (also learning) resource. The always available resources- information and tools, their variety and volume makes the web a welcome addition to teacher’s repertoire. However for teachers used to captive resource such as college library and physical books, this poses new learning challenge. It also threatens their traditional enjoyed control over resources as these web resources are equally accessible to their students. So two immediate challenges are How do you make an in-classroom teaching session live and interesting while multi-media learning resources on the web are becoming easily available? The variety of and volume is so that they might be able to meet specific needs of each and every student. How do you scale up from teaching 60 or so inmates in a bounded classroom at a given ho

Teaching in the Linked Environment

Teaching has a prehistoric origin. And then it has evolved ( evolving.. even now) to meet changing needs of society. Teaching means and purposes are always the functions of contemporary technologies. With the advent of Link Age  . the nature of teaching functions and availability resources have changed for the better. So  a teacher in this Link age must develop a Link Base and make it accessible t o the audience of  his world: students, alumni, colleagues and others. . 

Winning With Web: Living and Learning in Linked Enviornment

Winning With Web: Living and Learning in Linked Enviornment : "Each age in human history has a name. And this name is derived from the powerful forces that shape it or shaped it. Earlier we had atomic ag..." Winning With Web Tools Objective: To Teach

Cloud Complete: Cloud computing courses planned

Cloud Complete: Cloud computing courses planned : "Cloud computing represents a new paradigm for composing and delivering products and services. While most of the products and services delive..."

ITEra 2010: Participating with Colleagues

The KLE BCA college recently conducted an annual event ITEra 2010 during 22-23 October, 2010. I along with 3 of my departmental colleagues participated in the event as resource persons. I delivered an invited talk on Cloud Computing and Its applications  . Vishal Kulkarni, Indira Umarjee and Mayur patil served as judges for paper presentation event

Web is New Learning Habitat

Web is a new learning Habitat. All teaching activities can happen there. check yourself any one or more ( eg. Course Home web is new learning habitat via kwout "

Web Tools for Learning Workshop, Nagindas College, Malad Mumbai

 Presentation in progress The Audience: Faculty and Principal Dr. Jose ( First Row, second from left) and Prof. Mona Bhatia, Principal, Self-financed On 6th October, I conducted a workshop on " Web Tools for Learning for the faculty of Nagindas Khandawala college, Malad, Mumbai.  Here are some snaps from there

Networking for Results

Networks or networking is not new to humans. Every social interaction is in a sense is act towards building a network. Connecting to our neighbor or another person is much appreciated and widely practiced feature of human society. Rolodex is an example. However networks in the past were constrained by time and distance barriers. Today technology enabled networks such as social networks have transformed the range of reach and made the job of networking much easier and brought the privilege of being a part of network to every one's reach. Technology-enabled networks are here to stay and grow. In fact they are growing exponentially.  Facebook , one of such rapidly growing network has over 500 million users - meaning one in every 14 people on the earth is on Facebook.  This fact has far reaching implications for each one of us: faculty, students and institutions. As our experience shows, our students who belong to digital natives generation and were born into " another time&quo