
We differ in our Learning Styles- Find out Your way of Learning

Traditionally we have been told that there is only one way of learning: reading and writing. That is the reason for centuries all academic works revolve around these two activities. However, reading and writing approach to learning works well for most of people, it does not work well for all. Educational experts now agree there are different learning styles and each one of us has to find out our preferred way of learning. There are four distinct learning styles Visual/Verbal Learning style: Such learners enjoy reading and benefit from written hand outs. They claim to remember by "seeing the words". Such learners enjoy learning on their own and usually excel in traditional exams. Exams provide them a chance to reproduce the words in isolation and independently Visual/non-verbal Learning style : Such students learn through charts, diagrams of all kinds, including a video. Texts books with text will not be useful for these learners. Books with illustrations, diagrams can he

Making of N.R Narayana Murthy

N.R.Narayana Murthy ( NRN ), one of the founders of IT giant Infosys , has published a book A Better India: A Better World. NRN claims that he never wanted to write a book because books contain intentions of author where as he is always interested in the results generated by the intentions. In other words, he is a doer. However he finally penned the book at the instance of his son. The book contains interesting anecdotes and insights into one of the most successful entrepreneurial minds of our times. Like most young men of every post independent generation in India, NRN was always wondered on why there exists such a inequality in India: poor and rich, urban and rural India and ruling class and ruled. In fact the book recollects a 21-hour long train travel spent by NRN in Europe in early 1970's in answering those questions. At that time he came across three books that he says shaped his personality and inspired him to take the path of entrepreneurship. The books and the le

Surviving Information Floods

We live in a crowded world. Crowded with people. Our world is inundated with information. We all have been experiencing this. You do not have to go anywhere far way to verify this. Just check your INBOX either email or cell. You may be looking for one or two "must read" emails among the heaps of messages crowding messages. And this happens e veryday and for some of us every time we open our emails. You are expected to face this daunting task of going through all unwanted emails to find one that is important and relevant. Sometimes, when you are tired, this inundation may also cause you to delete accidentally an important message that you have waiting all along. How do you succeed here?. What is your strategy. Here is a suggestion. Apply the idea of CLEAR for every message that passes through you. C - is this information connected to my present work?- How is it relevant? L- List of next steps?- What should I do now that I know this bit of information? E- Expectation- Wha

Web Tools for Teaching: Search Engines

Search engines are the most widely used resource discovery tools on the web. Both general and as well as professional user often depend on search engines for locating information they need. Although there are more than 1000 search engines active on the web, Google, Yahoo and MSN Live are the most widely used ones. To discover information on the web using a search engine is a simple and straight forward activity. Users have to find a keyword that best describes their information need. For instance, suppose you are searching for information on "curriculum design" using google, you get a result page like this. On this page, it lists millions of links matching the keyword "Curriculum Design" Use can click on the first or any link to gather more information available. As an exercise you may search for key word " lesson plan" using Yahoo. You can compare your search with this

Web Tools For Teaching

Web is a source of immense resources and tools. Web has a huge repository of general purpose and special purpose tools. Since its inception it is increasingly becoming an attractive resource for teachers. At the same time web is a source of resources and also a platform for communication and collaboration. Teaching with web resources in mind is an advantage. Using web resource for educational purposes has begun since the early days of the web. The fact that web had its beginnings in the educational setting makes it still more relevant to be harnessed for educational purposes in general and teaching purposes in particular

Towards Web of Excellence ( WoE)

Listen to this post Organizing resources towards realising objectives has been a constant challenge in human endeavours . In pre -industrial age days work was manual and organized around individual members of a family such as farmers or carpenters. With the introduction of machines, work was organized in factory and around production. Division of labour, departmentalization and specialisation were dominant themes around which all organization principles were built upon. Centre of excellence- represented a practically perfect form of organization is to "bring in" the identified best resources-material, machinery and men under one roof and put them into productive work. All organizations followed a similar line of action: determine the purpose, identify relevant resources, bring them "inside" the enterprise and put them into production. In a predominantly material based industry and supported by manual work it did work well and produced wonderful results. Now we live

Welcome to the Age of Texpression

We are living in an age where technologies have invaded in all walks of our life. Technology is assuming a status of a language . When humans invented or discovered language, they found a means of expression in it. Once alphabets were determined and words were formed, ability to produce expressions using those words became the differentiator between people and society, Poets or authors are known for their command over language and hence their expression ability. Today in our technology-enabled and technology -embedded world, we must coin a new term to denote the ability of individual to use tools or technologies to express. My choice is Texpression . Technology today has a potential and is doing today what language did once for human society. It is providing a means to capture one's thought and express it for rest of the world. Texpressions are human expressions enabled by underlying traditional language and wrapped in technology or tools. Blog is an example for Texpression

About SDM IPR Cell

SDM IPR Cell is established to educate its stake holders : students, faculty and others about one of the most important and relevant issues of our times: Intellectual Property. Properties have ruled human minds since time immemorial and in recent years technologically created and crafted properties such as algorithms and gene sequences are overshadowing the traditionally adored properties such as land, factory etc. The first and foremost objective of SDM IPR cell is to bring a desired degree of awareness about these intellectual property issues such as creating them, protecting them and harnessing them for personal, professional and social causes . This SDM IPR intends to do with a set of well conceived and thoroughly planned activities such as invited lectures, IPR clinics and design of curriculum to mention the few. Keep watching this blog for regular updates