The Clever Tea Merchant

The Clever Tea Merchant
In a small Chinese town, a witty tea merchant named Mr. Li was well-known. One day, a wealthy businessman visited his shop and asked for his finest tea. Mr. Li presented a small tin, saying, "This is the rarest tea in all of China, with only 10 leaves left."

The businessman, impressed, asked the price. 

"100 silver coins per leaf," Mr. Li replied seriously.

Thinking it was a joke, the businessman laughed and bought all 10 leaves. Mr. Li carefully packed the leaves, and the businessman left, pleased with his extravagant purchase.

A few weeks later, the businessman returned, furious. "I found the same tea elsewhere for a tenth of the price! You swindled me!"

Mr. Li calmly responded, "You didn’t buy tea, sir; you bought a story. Now, you’ll be known as the man who could afford the world’s rarest tea."

Realizing the value of the tale, the businessman left, smiling.

The humor lies in Mr. Li’s cleverness, turning a potential confrontation into a win-win situation.