Personal Prompting Principles: #1 - The Speed Trap: Avoid Being Blinded by Quick Responses

Personal Prompting Principles:  #1 - The Speed Trap: Avoid Being Blinded by Quick Responses

In the fast-paced world of AI, it's easy to get caught up in the speed and efficiency of automated responses. However, when it comes to personalized prompts, speed isn't everything. To truly harness the power of AI, we must focus on accuracy and relevance, which requires a thoughtful approach.

Principle #1: "Avoid being blinded by the speed." Like any technology, prompts need to be tested and validated. The rapid responses from GenAI  models can be deceiving, leading to the misconception that personal prompting requires no effort. While generating quick responses is easy, crafting accurate personal prompts is an entirely different challenge. Ensuring the accuracy of responses and understanding the limitations of personalized prompts requires diligence. Put in the effort.

For instance, last month, I was drafting responses to common queries from users about creating personalized prompts. Initially, I used a generic prompt:

"Explain how to create effective personalized prompts."

The response was quick but broad, lacking the specificity that would truly help my users. Realizing this, I revised the prompt to be more personal:

"Explain to a user who frequently struggles with overly generic responses how to refine their prompts to get more specific and useful answers, including examples from their work in content creation."

This revised prompt took more effort to create but resulted in a far more tailored and effective response. This experience highlighted the importance of not being misled by the speed of generic outputs and the value of investing the necessary effort to craft accurate, personalized prompts.











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