Navigating the New AI Frontier: The EU's Groundbreaking AI Law

 "Navigating the New AI Frontier: The EU's Groundbreaking AI Law

The EU’s AI Act has officially come into force, setting a precedent for the regulation of artificial intelligence worldwide. This comprehensive legislation categorizes AI systems based on their risk levels and imposes varying degrees of regulation accordingly.

Key Points of the EU’s AI Act

1. Risk Categorization:
   - High-Risk AI: Includes biometric identification systems, subject to strict regulations.
   - Minimal-Risk AI: Such as social media algorithms, which face fewer restrictions.
   - Unacceptable-Risk AI: Completely banned, including facial recognition from CCTV.

2. Compliance Timeline:
   - Companies have 4-6 months to comply with the new regulations.

3. Penalties:
   - Non-compliance can lead to substantial fines.

4. Global Impact:
   - Affects global tech companies, including those based in the US, that operate within the EU. 
