Don't Be Vague! How to Write Prompts that AI Won't Groan At

From Regular Prompt to Smart Prompt: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let's take a simple prompt: "Write a story about a robot." This is a good starting point, but it can be vague and lead to many different outputs. Here's how to transform it into a smart prompt:

Step 1: Specify the Genre and Tone:

  • Prompt: "Write a science fiction story about a lonely robot on a deserted spaceship."

Justification: Adding genre (science fiction) and tone (lonely) helps guide the AI towards a specific style and mood.

Step 2: Introduce Constraints or Context:

  • Prompt: "Write a science fiction story about a lonely robot on a deserted spaceship, programmed to maintain the ship but yearning for connection. It discovers a hidden message from a past crew, hinting at the reason for the ship's abandonment."

Justification: Adding constraints (programmed to maintain, yearning for connection) and context (hidden message) provide details for a more focused narrative.

Step 3: Refine the Output with Style or Length:

  • Prompt: "Write a science fiction short story, around 500 words, about a lonely robot on a deserted spaceship, programmed to maintain the ship but yearning for connection. It discovers a hidden message from a past crew, hinting at the reason for the ship's abandonment. Write in a melancholic tone, with vivid descriptions of the desolate spaceship."

Justification: Specifying length (500 words) and stylistic elements (melancholic tone, vivid descriptions) further sharpen the desired output.

Smart Prompts Across Categories:


  • Regular Prompt: Design a bridge.
  • Smart Prompt: Design a sustainable, earthquake-resistant suspension bridge for a high-traffic urban area, capable of handling heavy loads while minimizing environmental impact. Consider incorporating pedestrian walkways and bike lanes.


  • Regular Prompt: Write a poem about love.
  • Smart Prompt: Write a Shakespearean sonnet exploring the complexities of forbidden love between a high-born woman and a commoner. Employ rich imagery and metaphors to convey their hidden desires and societal pressure.


  • Regular Prompt: Develop a new app.
  • Smart Prompt: Develop a mobile app that connects users with local farmers markets, allowing them to browse products, place orders for pick-up, and access educational resources about sustainable agriculture. Prioritize a user-friendly interface and secure payment processing.


  • Regular Prompt: Create a marketing campaign.
  • Smart Prompt: Develop a social media marketing campaign targeting Gen Z eco-conscious consumers for a new line of organic and ethically-sourced clothing. Utilize TikTok and Instagram challenges to promote the brand while emphasizing sustainable practices and fair labor policies.


  • Regular Prompt: Offer advice on overcoming shyness.
  • Smart Prompt: Write a step-by-step guide with actionable tips for overcoming social anxiety in professional settings. Include practical techniques for managing self-consciousness, initiating conversations, and building confidence in networking situations.

By following these steps and considering the specific category, you can transform a regular prompt into a smart prompt, dramatically improving the focus and quality of the AI's output.