#20 Digital India That You Can Use : NPTEL


NPTEL, or the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, is an initiative by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to create course contents in engineering and science.

How NPTEL works:

  1. Course creation: Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from the IITs and IISc create recorded video content for the courses. The course content is typically divided into weekly modules, each of which consists of several video lectures, assignments, and discussion forum posts.

  2. Course delivery: The courses are delivered online through the NPTEL website. Students can enroll in courses for free and access the course content at their own pace.

  3. Assessment: Students are assessed on their understanding of the course material through weekly assignments and a final exam. Students who successfully complete the course and pass the exam are awarded a certificate.

NPTEL courses are a valuable resource for students and professionals who want to learn about a variety of engineering and science topics. The courses are well-taught and the course content is high quality. Additionally, the certificates awarded by NPTEL are recognized by many employers and universities.

Reference: NPTEL website: https://nptel.ac.in/