Understanding Bhashini

Understanding Bhashini

Digital India's Bhashini is an AI-led language translation platform that aims to enable all Indians easy access to the internet and digital services in their own language, and increase the content in Indian languages.

When was Bhashini launched?

Bhashini was launched in 2022, during the Digital India Week in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Where is Bhashini available?

Bhashini is available across India, and supports all 22 official languages of the country.

Who is Bhashini for?

Bhashini is for all Indians, regardless of their language background. It is especially beneficial for those who are not comfortable using the internet or digital services in English.

Why is Bhashini important?

Bhashini is important because it helps to bridge the digital divide in India. By making the internet and digital services accessible in all Indian languages, Bhashini empowers all Indians to participate in the digital economy and society.

How does Bhashini work?

Bhashini uses AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to translate text, speech, and video between Indian languages and English. It also provides a platform for developers to create and deploy language translation tools and applications.

Here are some examples of how Bhashini can be used:

  • A farmer can learn about new agricultural techniques by watching a video in their own language.
  • A student can access educational resources in their own language.
  • A patient can understand their medical diagnosis and treatment plan in their own language.
  • A government employee can provide services to citizens in their own language.
  • A business can reach a wider audience by creating content in multiple languages.

Bhashini is still under development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way Indians interact with the internet and digital services.