Person-Centric Digital Artifacts for India(ns)

Person-Centric Digital Artifacts for India(ns)

The introduction of the Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill  2022 has created the foundation for a complete digital India ecosystem. The DPDP will protect the rights of all citizens, allow the innovation economy to expand,

Digital India services are citizen-centric in the sense that the government has built a platform for delivering citizen services. However, these enablers are designed as public goods and are accessible via APIs. Many successful innovations have been built on this platform, including account aggregators. However, account aggregators focus on the specific domain of finance.

Now is the time to take the digital revolution to the next level. One way to do this is to focus on person-centric digital artifacts and services for Indians.

A digital service can be targeted at organizations, citizens, or consumers. However, ultimately, it is people who use these services, and their needs and preferences vary depending on their context.

Person-centric digital service provisioning is a design philosophy that views users as individuals with their own stable needs as well as dynamically changing needs, interests, and preferences. Accordingly, person-centric digital service offerings are personalized, adaptive, and context-aware.

Person-centricity is a topic that has received relatively little attention in the literature. However, it has the potential to revolutionize the way digital services are delivered to Indians.

I am starting to explore this new need of the nation and want to contribute to its development. I invite your comments and inputs on this.

Here are some of the references I have consulted with as of now:

1. A Vision for Person-Centered Data Systems in the Digital Age - ICTworks

2. On design and architecture of person-centric digital service provisioning: approach, fundamental concepts, principles and prototypes