India Stack Developer Course

India Stack Developer Course

Date: 2nd October 2023


Duration: 1 day (8 hours)

Mode: Instructor-led, In-Person

Registration form: 

For Online/Virtual course

Date: 7th October, 2023

Time: 9 AM to 6PM

Registation Link: 

Course Overview: This intensive one-day course offers a rapid introduction to India Stack technologies, focusing on the essential components and their applications. Participants will gain a foundational understanding of India Stack's impact on digital transformation and its potential for various sectors.

Session 1: Introduction to India Stack (1 hour)

  • Overview of India Stack and its role in digitization.

  • Key components: Aadhaar, UPI, eKYC, digital signatures.

  • Benefits and use cases across industries.

Session 2: Digital Identity and Authentication (1 hour)

  • Understanding Aadhaar as a digital identity.

  • Different authentication methods: biometrics, OTP, etc.

  • Balancing convenience with privacy and security.

Session 3: Digital Payments with UPI (1.5 hours)

  • Introduction to Unified Payments Interface (UPI).

  • Building UPI-based transactions and payment gateways.

  • Integrating UPI into applications.

Lunch Break (1 hour)

Session 4: eKYC Processes (1.5 hours)

  • Exploring Electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) procedures.

  • Leveraging eKYC APIs for user verification.

  • Regulatory compliance and security measures.

Session 5: Digital Signatures and Verification (1 hour)

  • Basics of digital signatures and their significance.

  • Integrating digital signatures into applications.

  • Ensuring document integrity and authenticity.

Session 6: Future Trends and Opportunities (1 hour)

  • Emerging trends within the India Stack ecosystem.

  • Ethical considerations in India Stack development.

  • Potential for innovation and societal impact.

Final Wrap-up and Q&A (0.5 hours)

  • Recap of key takeaways from the course.

  • Open floor for participant questions and discussion.

Assessment and Certification:

  • Participation in all sessions.

  • Active engagement in hands-on activities and discussions.

  • No formal assessment due to the condensed nature of the course.

  • Certificate of Completion provided.

Please note that this is a fast-paced crash course designed to provide a high-level understanding of India Stack concepts and technologies within a short timeframe. Instructors should focus on delivering impactful content and encourage participants to explore further resources for in-depth learning.