Revisit Rituals before u renew it

Revisit Rituals before u Renew it

Rituals are to community what habits are individuals. They start for no or insignificant reasons and are followed blindly for lifetime or generations.

In a religious school, when the teacher and his disciples began evening meditation, the cat who lived in the school made such a noise that it distracted them. So the teacher ordered that cat be tied up during evening prayer time. Years later, when the teacher died , the cat continued to be tied up during the prayer session. And when the cat eventually died, another cat was brought to school and tied up. Centuries later, learned descendants of the teacher wrote scholarly treatises about the religious significance of tying up a cat for prayer time.

Applied to computer science, in 1950's when memory was expensive and processor speed was less, " time and space complexity" was an important challenges. Now with unlimited memory and hugely fast processors, it has lost significance, but text books still include it.

In the past, people deleted "old" files to create space for new files- but continue to so, even when gmail says " u don't have to delete message any more-just archieve it.

Recheck before u resume a ritual.