Concept of Collecting Coins

Concept of Collecting Coins

What is the meaning of collecting coins?

In the context of Eric Berne's book Games People Play, collecting coins refers to a way of getting strokes (positive or negative attention) from others. People who collect coins often do so in a way that is manipulative or controlling. They may try to make others feel guilty or obligated to give them strokes, or they may use their need for strokes to control others' behavior.

What is the definition of collecting coins?

There is no one definitive definition of collecting coins, but it is generally understood to be a pattern of behavior in which people seek out positive or negative attention from others in order to feel validated or to get their emotional needs met.

How does collecting coins function as an instrument?

Collecting coins can function as an instrument in a number of ways. For example, people who collect coins may use their need for attention to manipulate others into doing things for them. They may also use their need for attention to control others' behavior. For example, a person who collects attention coins may make a scene in public in order to get attention from others. This may cause others to feel guilty or obligated to give the person attention, which the person can then use to control their behavior.

What is the history of collecting coins?

The concept of collecting coins has been around for centuries. In fact, there is evidence that it was already being used in ancient Greece and Rome. However, the term "collecting coins" was first coined by Eric Berne in his book Games People Play, which was published in 1964.

What opportunities does collecting coins offer?

There are a few potential opportunities that collecting coins can offer. For example, people who collect coins may be able to get their emotional needs met by getting attention from others. They may also be able to manipulate or control others' behavior by using their need for attention.

What obstacles does collecting coins face in the real world?

There are also a number of obstacles that collecting coins can face in the real world. For example, people who collect coins may find that their need for attention becomes excessive and controlling. They may also find that their relationships suffer as a result of their need for attention.

Overall, collecting coins is a complex pattern of behavior that can have both positive and negative consequences. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of collecting coins before engaging in this behavior.

Here are some additional thoughts on the concept of collecting coins:

  • Collecting coins can be a way of coping with low self-esteem. People who collect coins may feel that they need to get attention from others in order to feel validated or to feel good about themselves.
  • Collecting coins can be a way of controlling others. People who collect coins may use their need for attention to manipulate others into doing things for them or to control their behavior.
  • Collecting coins can be a way of avoiding intimacy. People who collect coins may be afraid of getting close to others, so they use their need for attention as a way to keep people at a distance.

Give some examples of collecting coins applied in real-world

Here are some examples of collecting coins applied in the real world:

  • A person who makes a scene in public in order to get attention from others.
  • A person who constantly seeks out validation from others and becomes upset if they do not receive it.
  • A person who uses their need for attention to control others' behavior.
  • A person who is constantly interrupting others in conversations in order to get attention.

If you find yourself collecting coins, it is important to be aware of your behavior and to challenge your need for strokes. You can start by identifying the ways in which you collect coins and the underlying emotional needs that are driving your behavior. Once you are aware of your patterns, you can start to develop healthier ways of getting your emotional needs met.


Collecting coins is a complex pattern of behavior that can have both positive and negative consequences. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of collecting coins before engaging in this behavior. If you find yourself collecting coins, it is important to seek help from a therapist or counselor who can help you develop healthier ways of getting your emotional needs met.