Design Thinking in Bollywood

Design Thinking in Bollywood

Design thinking can be used in Bollywood to improve the way films are made in a number of ways. For example, design thinking can be used to:

  • Improve the storytelling: Design thinking can be used to understand the audience and what they want to see in a film. This can help filmmakers to create stories that are more engaging and relatable.

  • Improve the visuals: Design thinking can be used to come up with innovative ways to tell a story through visuals. This can help filmmakers to create films that are visually stunning and memorable.

  • Improve the production process: Design thinking can be used to identify and solve problems in the production process. This can help filmmakers to make films more efficiently and effectively.

  • Improve the marketing and distribution: Design thinking can be used to come up with innovative ways to market and distribute films. This can help filmmakers to reach a wider audience and make more money.

Here are some examples of how design thinking has been used in Bollywood:

  • In the film "Padmaavat," the filmmakers used design thinking to understand the audience and what they wanted to see in a film about a historical figure. They learned that the audience wanted to see a film that was historically accurate and visually stunning. The filmmakers used this information to create a film that was both entertaining and historically accurate.

  • In the film "Kahaani," the filmmakers used design thinking to come up with innovative ways to tell a story through visuals. They used a combination of handheld cameras and long takes to create a sense of urgency and suspense. The filmmakers also used a limited color palette to create a dark and atmospheric tone.

  • In the film "Dangal," the filmmakers used design thinking to identify and solve problems in the production process. They realized that they needed to find a way to film the wrestling scenes in a way that was both realistic and safe. The filmmakers worked with stuntmen and choreographers to create a safe and realistic way to film the wrestling scenes.

  • In the film "Baahubali," the filmmakers used design thinking to come up with innovative ways to market and distribute films. They realized that they needed to find a way to reach a wider audience in India. The filmmakers used social media and online marketing to reach a wider audience. They also released the film in multiple languages to reach a wider audience.

Design thinking is a valuable tool that can be used to improve the way films are made in Bollywood. By following the examples above, filmmakers can create films that are more engaging, visually stunning, and commercially successful.