Enhanced Autonomy

Enhanced Autonomy 

The networked information economy improves the practical capacities of individuals along three dimensions: 

(1) it improves their capacity to do more for and by themselves; 

(2) it enhances their capacity to do more in loose commonality with others, without being constrained to organize their relationship through a price system or in traditional hierarchical models of social and economic organization; and 

(3) it improves the capacity of individuals to do more in formal organizations that operate outside the market sphere. 

This enhanced autonomy is at the core of all the other improvements.  

Individuals are using their newly expanded practical freedom to act and cooperate with others in ways that improve the practiced experience of democracy, justice and development, a critical culture, and community

Enhanced Autonomy and an Engineer

  • An engineer must harness tools to build systems, ensure its continued performance thereby generate wealth and share system resources and wealth as well with environments through tax, charity and any other innovative ways he or she can think of.

  • He needs to realize the new realities and work towards adopting them.

  • The exponential growth of mobile screen as a or probably the  service delivery and consumption point is a new reality. 

  • It is fundamental and foundational reality for designing, developing and deploying new age business and consumer services. 

  • System needs to be open. It must be capable of procuring resources it needs to build value in open way - from open source, open data and open API  all and it needs to be capable of delivering value it created through open channels, consumers, feed, API 

  • Ensure that system work when you are taking rest (automation)  and allow free flow of thoughts and activity while you are  work with it

  • Start building a system using minimum viable product (MVP) approach and continuous delivery. A product or feature should be available to the end user as soon as it is built. No delay is to be allowed.

  • Remember value creation thoughts and insights often emerge between two activities. Good ideas may come on the drawing board but better ideas emerge while working. Spend less time on drawing board and keep doing “deeds” 

  • Develop a working system that works subconsciously like our digestive systems.  Eating happens in discrete moments and is distributed over the day but the digestion process continues. So must be your working system - enable you to carry out discrete activities but it must be continuously  functioning.